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adventure travel africa

Pilanesberg National Park

Game etiquette for Pilanesberg National Park and other Parks.

There is something called Game etiquette - please adhere to it.... It drives me nuts when idiots are on the loose. An acquaintance of mine throws eggs at rude people's cars. I have considered shooting paint balls at their cars myself. The biggest problem is ignorance, you are dealing with wild animals and you might get someone killed.
1. Arrival at the gate: 1st car has the right to buy their permit 1st; that is just good manners & common sense. So if someone has arrived before you and before the gate opens and have having coffee, have the decency to let them buy theirs first. And hope that I 'm not there to see you try jump the queue - I will tell you off; a great way to start both our days.

2. Blocking the gate: If you have arrived the day before you can drive straight in; that means going in before any day visitors. So day visitors please park in the parking bays till you get your permit. If you drive past and block the gate for someone else, me or someone else won't hesitate to tell you to move. Don't make the gate lady's day starting off hard by being an ass.

3. Now a cruncher - driving into the Park. Too many times to count I have seen people flying past me to get ahead of everyone else. And miss the lions, it regularly happens. You see more if you drive slower, even the best spotters will tell you that. So take it easy.

4. Another one; "ok, there's the lion. lets drive up real close and leave the engine running." And this is exactly where 80% of the time they get up and move off. More than half the excellent sightings I 've had early morning have been spoiled by some inconsiderate & oblivious idiot. Sadly, most of them have been locals that should really have known better. All animals have a safety/comfort zone - so it is f*&%&^ logical that if you get too close they will move off. So give the animals some space and use your binoculars. And if you tell me you don't have any; why bother coming?

5. Still on the running engines and aircon. This is a nightmare especially on weekends when the Sandton Cowboys come test their 4x4 diesel trucks. Switch off please. Especially when asked. There is nothing more irritating than a Missing Link parked right on your bumper & being noisy when the lions/ele's etc are vocal. It also interferes with any person trying to shoot video. It's just not cricket. So SWITCH OFF. If you are scared of getting charged switch off  20 m away.... The rule is switch off or move on!

6. Still on the running engines, aircon, music blaring and being asked. It is absolutely incredible how many people ignore you when you ask them nicely to switch off. Even when you explain to them why - nicely. They think they will miss something if they can't hear their diesel engines running. Strangely enough, this is a mostly 4x4 thing. Engines; especially diesel; interfere with the elephants' language. And they tend to charge the 1st object, even if the noise is behind it, and that is normally me with a "dead" engine. So if someone tells you the ele's are very nervous & why (3 hour old baby)& to switch off and have to do so again and you just go park behind him still running like reg # NUF 1; this is clearly malicious. In the case of an incident such a person like this will be held liable by the Courts for any damage - ignorance is no excuse. In case of any deaths the driver will be held for 2nd degree murder. Having been told twice he can't plead ignorance. And don't think this can't happen, ele's charge 10m in 0,9 seconds.

7. Runny engines again - when someone shows you to switch off PLEASE DO. This person have obviously seen something you haven't; and it might move off at any time. Great sightings we have had ruined by some twats runs into triple figures.

8. Blowing your horn/hooter. If someone is standing somewhere that you can't pass there is a reason. The general rule is that the 1st person to spot has the right of "sight" (way). So when you find someone on a bridge looking at something you can't see, please don't make a racket. In this case is was a Waterbuck just about to mate spoiled by a Pom. These **^$ FIT's hey? Honestly, in my experience the foreigners are not as bad as the locals, normally they stay further back. They are much worse with getting out their vehicle though.

9. So, getting out the vehicle. You are not in a zoo. You don't get out your vehicle except at designated spots. You especially don't get out your vehicle near elephants, and most definitely not with a beer in your hand! And not when you are the driver. Not, period. I have seen triple figures of idiots prancing on foot around the Park and won't lift a finger when one gets stomped. I 'll sell the pics for top $ instead. Just don't get out and ask "where the lion?" like the 1 pensioner lady when the lioness was 12 m away, or another getting out and asking "where, where?"' (Black Mamba!)

10. Driving your vehicle into the veld to get closer is a big NO - stay on the road.

11. Hanging out the window, standing on your door, on your roof etc are all out. In general the animals see your vehicle as 1 object. As soon as your elbow or head pops out they see "people" aka threat...."lets go somewhere else" I 've heard them say!! :) So, by all means open your window, but try get the shot from inside if you can. Of course, sometimes / most times you can't help leaning out to take the pic.

12. Back to first sightings. The 1st person to see something has the right to stay there all day if he wants to; without moving. You have to respect this. Pilanesberg is much better than Kruger - most cars I have seen was 22 iso Kruger's about 80. So if you are # 22, just wait your turn. However people do move, me included.

13. Littering - think please. This hasn't been a big problem in Pilanesberg, but it is occurring more and more. I have seen more beer bottles in the park this last 2 years than the 7 previous years in total. Think that someone has to pick up that beer bottle and he might just get bitten by a snake. The butterfly effect and all......And if you see someone littering please take action.

14. Last thing - alcohol. Feel free to go and drink yourself into a coma at night if you want to. But when game viewing go light on it please, preferably abstaining if you can. It does slow your senses and cloud your judgement. And when some animal eventually attacks some drunk idiot, it will be the animal that will get shot; even though it should be the idiot.

Pilanesberg Dawn to Dusk Safaris from Johannesburg, Pretoria, Pilanesberg and Sun City

Working with new pics are just too time consuming, so I only do it when I have free time! May 2019
Picture Gallery up to 2019
Picture Gallery 2010
Picture Gallery 2009
Picture Gallery 2008
Picture Gallery 2007
Picture Gallery 2006
Picture Gallery 2005
Picture Gallery 2004

It's alphabetical - so save us both time.... and if not on here I will put it up!

Accommodation in the Park only: Staying Friday or Saturday you have to pay for 2 nights min.

Accommodation in and around Sun City. Staying Friday or Saturday you have to pay for 2 nights min.

Accommodation Specials at Pilanesberg

Accommodation at Sun City Vacation Club

Airport at Pilanesberg

Animal studies in Pilanesberg

Bakgatla Resort

Bakubung Bush Lodge

Balloon Safaris: In Pilanesberg National Park -  R5 000pp - 1 hour, minimum 4 pax!

Binoculars needed

Bird list

Black Rhino Game Lodge

Buffalo in the Park

Camping - book direct at 014 555 1000, don't be surprised if you hold 15 minutes and then get cut off.

Cancellation Terms and Conditions

Commission offered to booking agents

Condition of the Veld

Dangers in Pilanesberg

Disclosures: About vehicles used for Pilanesberg and other

Directions - see map

Elephant Back safaris in Pilanesberg.

Entrance fee - see gate times

Etiquette in Game Parks like Pilanesberg for self drives

Friends of Pilanesberg Society - Volunteers helping to maintain the Park.

Gate Times for Pilanesberg National Park

Geology of Pilanesberg National Park

Highlights seen in Pilanesberg the last 2 years:
Don't expect something like this or the animals to stand next to the road waiting.  It's not a Zoo!

History of Pilanesberg National Park

Idiot Gallery - Stunts pulled in Pilanesberg National Park by the mentally challenged.  Other tour operators are welcome to contribute - I will give you recognition except if you don't want it!

Ivory Tree Game Lodge

Kids on Safari. In Pilanesberg or other parks

Kwa Maritane Bush Lodge

Manyane Resort

Map and directions to Pilanesberg

Other Parks near Pilanesberg

Other Tour Operators doing Pilanesberg

Packages to Lodges

Picture Gallery -  taken by us over the last 8 years in Pilanesberg.

Pilanesberg National Park vs Kruger National Park.

Reading - other re Pilanesberg.

Safety in Pilanesberg

Shepherd's Tree Game Lodge

Testimonials from clients we have taken to Pilanesberg

Things to do in and around Pilanesberg

Transfers only to Pilanesberg and Sun City - one way: charged per vehicle:

Tshukudu Bush Lodge

Veld Condition in the Park

Weather and Climate for Pilanesberg area

What can you hope to see in Pilanesberg?

When to go to Pilanesberg: best time etc

adventure travel africa
806 Unit 2, Mogwase, Pilanesberg, Office - Please mail only
PO Box 250 Sun City, 0316
- Updated Feb 2018
All Pilanesberg queries -